On the 20th-21st of February 2024, the African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF), in partnership with the department in charge of Economic Development, Trade, Tourism, Industry and Minerals (ETTIM) of the African Union, and sponsored by the Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan through the Azerbaijan International Development Agency (AIDA) will convene the training of Ambassadors and Diplomats accredited to the African Union to share perspectives on promoting the Acceleration of the AfCFTA Implementation and the Realization of the African Trade and Economic Integration.
[Harare, Zimbabwe, 18 January 2024]
The African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF), in partnership with the department in charge of Economic Development, Trade, Tourism, Industry and Minerals (ETTIM), and sponsored by the Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan through the Azerbaijan International Development Agency (AIDA) is organizing the Training of African Ambassadors and Diplomats accredited to the AU on the 20th -21st of February 2024 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
The training is designed explicitly for African Ambassadors and diplomats currently posted at Permanent missions to the African Union. It aims to enhance their understanding of the African Continental Free Trade Area and equip them with the knowledge and skills to accelerate its implementation effectively. Governments are encouraged to take advantage of the AfCTFA to promote inclusive and structural transformation in African countries to increase the volume of intra-African trade.
Representatives of the private sector from countries that have already started trading under the AfCFTA and presently participating in the Guided Trade Initiative (GTI) are invited to the training. These countries include Cameroon, Egypt, Ghana, Kenya, Mauritius, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Tunisia. In addition, the African Manufacturers Association and the African Business Council have been invited to participate.
The training of African Ambassadors and Diplomats will generate valuable insights and policy recommendations that can drive the African Continental Free Trade Area forward, significantly increasing intra-African trade, improving regional integration, economic growth, job creation, and, ultimately, better livelihoods for the continent's people.
By engaging African Ambassadors and diplomats, this training provides the perfect opportunity to promote collaboration among member states and enhance the coordination required to speed up the implementation of the AfCFTA. This will ultimately lead to the realization of the African Economic Community as outlined in the Abuja Treaty. Their involvement can assist in building consensus and mobilizing support for the necessary reforms and policy adjustments at both national and regional levels.
The training of African Ambassadors and Diplomats aims to tackle challenges, exchange best practices, and synchronize strategies. This session will help accelerate the execution of the African Continental Free Trade Area, unlocking its enormous potential for economic integration, trade facilitation, and sustainable development throughout Africa.
The training is scheduled for two days, on the 20th and 21st of February 2024. The event will be held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, and conducted in a hybrid format. English and French interpretations will be available simultaneously. ACBF is committed to working with bilateral partners such as Azerbaijan and multilateral partners like the AUC, UNECA, AfCFTA Secretariat, the International Trade Center, and the private sector such as the African Business Council and the Pan African Manufacturers Association to promote intra-African trade and cooperation, leading to a vibrant and prosperous continent.
The African Capacity Building Foundation is the premier partner for capacity development in Africa. With a mission to develop the human capital and institutions required to enable Africa’s inclusive and sustainable development, ACBF has worked to enhance institutional and human capacity of African countries, including training more than 50,000 personnel in civil service who hold critical positions in Ministries of Finance, Planning or Economic Development and Central Banks throughout the region. The African Union has granted ACBF specialized agency status for Capacity Development. ACBF's headquarters is in Harare, with regional offices in Nairobi for East and Central Africa, Accra for West and Central Africa, and a Liaison Office in Addis Ababa.
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For more information, contact:
Fatou Diouf, Head of Communications and Influencing
You can email us at comms@acbf-pact.org
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