Africa Capacity Report (ACR)
Africa Capacity Report (ACR) 2017 provides the framework for science, technology, and innovation (STI) development by focusing on the capacity dimensions in Africa.
The Africa Capacity Report (ACR) 2015 sends a very clear message: with official development assistance to Africa diminishing, the continent will have to rely more on mobilizing domestic resources if it is to implement its development agenda.
The Africa Capacity Report (ACR) and its supporting indicators offer inputs for decisions on what to support in capacity development. This year the Report focuses on the capacity imperatives for regional integration, a priority area of focus for ACBF. It looks at capacities needed to help move the African regional integration agenda forward.
The 2013 Report, the third in a series, focuses on an issue of great importance to Africa: natural resource management. The Report is holistic, yet focused on what African countries need to do individually and collectively to achieve effective management and good governance of the continent's vast natural resource wealth.
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A core message in the 2012 ACI Report is that improving the productivity and the economic returns of agriculture has immediate effects on poverty and hunger in at least three important ways
The publication examines the visible capacity development needs of countries, as well as the underlying historical, political, economic, cultural, and societal elements that contributed to their current state of achievement. The publication also investigates the factors complicating efforts to address conflict and fragility problems of countries. This report covers 34 countries and focuses on the challenges of capacity development in fragile environments.
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