Lesotho Macroeconomic Management Project (LMMP)
Project Name:Lesotho Macroeconomic Management Project (LMMP)Institution :Government of LesothoProject Region :
- Core Competence:
Economic Policy Analysis and Management
Eastern & Southern AfricaCountry :Kingdom of LesothoStatus :ClosedGrant Number :102Grant Amount (USD):1 200 000Commitment Date:2002Closing Date:2007Introduction:At its 27th Regular Meeting, in May 2002, the Executive Board approved a grant of US$ 1.47 million to the Government of Lesotho for support to strengthen its institutional capacity for macroeconomic management.The focus of LMMP was human resource training and the establishment of systems for public expenditure management as well as socio-economic information management.
Project Description:The goal of the project was to strengthen institutional capacity in the core public economic management sector through specialized skills-upgrading, training and systems development, with a view to enhancing the development process and increasing the poverty reducing impact of development programs.
- Core Competence: