The ACBF in collaboration with the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) is organizing the fourth Policy Institute Committee meeting under the theme “The Policy Institutes Committee and ACBF: Effective Partnership for Capacity Building in Africa”. The main objective of the meeting will be to raise awareness and document the role and importance of think tanks/policy institutes in shaping and influencing policy direction in Africa.
1. Introduction
The Policy Institutes Committee (PIC) is a strategic knowledge network of the Foundation which brings together the ACBF-supported think tanks and policy institutes to share ideas, knowledge and experience to affect policy direction in the continent. The Committee meets twice a year in order to share ideas, knowledge and experiences on pertinent policy development issues, and the management of policy institutes/think tanks in Africa.
On 13-14 June 2013, the African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF) launched the Policy Institutes Committee (PIC). Subsequently, representatives of over 20 African think tanks and policy institutes met in April 2014, in Nouakchott, Mauritania; and in October 2015 in Mbabane, Swaziland and rolled out the activities of the Committee - a dynamic and functional community of practitioners close to African policy and decision makers.
Participants will first share knowledge and experience during the Summit on “The Rise of Africa’s Think Tanks – Practical Solutions to Practical Problems” (6-8 April 2015) and thereafter meet in the framework of the PIC Network to reflect on the theme “The Policy Institutes Committee and ACBF: Effective Partnership for Capacity Building in Africa” (9 April 2015).
2. Objectives
The main objective of the fourth PIC Meeting is to raise awareness and document the role and importance of think tanks/policy institutes in shaping and influencing policy direction in Africa. Among others, the meeting will:
- Dialogue and exchange on pertinent policy development issues. The PIC will discuss the possibilities offered by its partnership with ACBF in supporting capacity building in Africa.
- Share knowledge and experiences. PIC members will share their respective experiences on the management of think tanks/policy institutes.
- Define the modalities and roll-out the survey of the lessons learnt from Ebola affected and non-affected countries. PIC members will agree on the modalities, the timeline, and content of the survey on Ebola discussed during the Third PIC Meeting.
- Examine the efficient way to conduct the CPIA self-assessment studies and the Country Reviews.
- Explore the possibilities of collaboration between PIC Network and other stakeholders. The Forum will also offer an opportunity to bring onboard strategic partners such as UNECA, the NEPAD Planning and Coordinating Agency (NEPAD) Agency, the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM) and the African Evaluation Association (AfrEA) in order to discuss the possibilities of using the PIC.
3. Expected outcomes
The expected outcomes of the Meeting are defined modalities for a more effective partnership among ACBF, its strategic partners and the think tanks.
4. Agenda
5. Date and venue
The Fourth PIC Consultative Forum will be held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. It is scheduled for 9 April 2015 at the United Nations Conference Centre.
6. Target audience
The participants, taking into account gender balance, include ACBF-supported policy institutes/think tanks and key stakeholders in Ethiopia (government representatives, policy and decision makers, development partners, CSOs and media). To this end, the following bodies are expected to take part in the meeting:
(1) ACBF Secretariat;
(2) PIC Bureau and members;
(3) Representatives of the Government of Ethiopia, CSOs, and media; and
(4) Representatives of regional and international development partners: NEPAD, UNECA, APRM and AfrEA.
7. Format of the Meeting and mode of delivery
The Fourth PIC Meeting will comprise of a panel discussion, a forum on how PIC can support other stakeholders such as NEPAD, UNECA, APRM and AfrEA, and a technical workshop on the modalities and proposed content of the survey of the lessons learnt from Ebola affected and non-affected countries.
The meeting will be conducted in English and French with simultaneous interpretation.
8. Contact information
Technical issues
Dr Robert Nantchouang
Officer-in-charge; Knowledge, Monitoring and Evaluation Department
2 Fairbairn Drive, Mount Pleasant, Harare, Zimbabwe
T: +263-4 304663, 304622, 332002, 332014
Email: r.nantchouang@acbf-pact.org
Logistical issues
Ms. Theodora Mapfumo
Administrative Assistant; Knowledge, Monitoring and Evaluation Department
2 Fairbairn Drive, Mount Pleasant, Harare, Zimbabwe
T: +263-4 304663, 304622, 332002, 332014
Email: T.Mapfumo@acbf-pact.org