A Specialized Agency of the African Union

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Africa Capacity Issue 7


Dear Friends,

Welcome to the seventh edition of Africa Capacity. This issue highlights yet other achievements by the Foundation through a variety of programs that its supports across our continent. Capacity building can only bear positive fruits when gaps have been identified and solutions put into place to remedy the deficiencies. This simple truth is highlighted through three case studies, in three different areas of activities and with positive outcomes.... read more

Promoting Equitable Development in Zambia
An alternative allocation model developed by the Zambia Institute for Policy Analysis and Research (ZIPAR) and aimed at enhancing the use of the Constituency Development Fund (CDF) in Zambia has spurred deliberations and interrogation among government and stakeholders, which could lead to better use of the CDF.... read more

Building Fundraising Skills of Women’s Rights Organizations in Africa
In a bid to ensure that women’s rights organizations continue to remain viable and sustainable in promoting women’s development in Africa, the ACBF has over the last few years sponsored an annual training camp aimed at equipping low-income African women’s rights organizations to build their fundraising skills and contributing to slowly reversing a trend that has seen many donors shift their funding focus from women’s rights work to other areas ... read more


ACBF and ECA sign MOU to foster capacity development in Africa
The African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF) and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for a three-year partnership to build human and institutional capacity in Africa. The MOU came as a successor to a previous one which expired in December 2014. ... read more


ACBF-supported Australia-Africa Community Engagement Scheme (AACES) improving livelihoods in Zambia and Zimbabwe
Three years ago, the Australian Government contracted the Africa Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF) to manage resources for the Australia Africa Community Engagement Scheme (AACES), which contributes to reducing poverty in Africa through food security, maternal and child health, and community-based interventions in water and sanitation, with particular attention to women, children and people living with disability. Under this partnership, many lives have been improved in the continent. ... read more


ACBF investment in African Think Tanks yields dividends
The African Capacity Building Foundation’s (ACBF) long term investment in Africa’s development is paying off as most of its supported research centers have been identified as the best in Africa. To date, 23 out of 33 Think Tanks supported by ACBF are recognized as “leading centers of excellence in public policy research” in sub-Saharan Africa, according to the 2014 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report of the Think Tanks and Civil Societies Program (TTCSP) at the University of Pennsylvania, ... read more

2015 marks the fourth year of the African Capacity Building Foundation’s third Strategic Medium Term Plan. The Foundation has decided to use the early months of the year 2015 to conduct a thorough re-engagement of all its partners. In this vein, the Secretariat has successively engaged the World Bank, the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA), the African Development Bank, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and African member countries.... read more


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Thomas Kwesi Quartey

ACBF has been granted the status of a specialized agency because of the potential to transform Africa through capacity development.

H.E. Thomas Kwesi Quartey, Deputy Chairperson, AU Commission
Erastus Mwencha

The recognition of ACBF as the African Union’s Specialized Agency for Capacity Development launches the beginning of a new era for capacity building by ACBF, which will require an appropriate level of political commitment and financial support from all stakeholders.

H.E. Erastus Mwencha, Chair, ACBF Executive Board
Lamin Momodou

The remarkable achievements ACBF has registered over the past 26 years is not by accident in our opinion. They have come through hard work, dedication, commitment, purposeful leadership, support from the member countries as well as productive partnership building.

Mr. Lamin Momodou MANNEH, Director, UNDP Regional Service Centre for Africa
Goodall Gondwe

Africa needs ACBF as much, probably more now, than at the time it was created in 1991.

Hon. Goodall Gondwe, former Chair of the ACBF Board of Governors and Minister of Finance – Malawi
Ken Ofori Atta

Ghana’s partnership with ACBF is a tremendous blessing for us and therefore the opportunity for Ghana to host the 26th ACBF Board of Governors Meeting is something that we treasure.

Hon Ken Ofori Atta, Chair of the ACBF Board of Governors and Minister of Finance - Ghana